Friday, June 26, 2009

It begins...

There are times in our lives where we truly understimate ourselves. Our belonging, and most importantly our inability to ever feel adequate enough for those around us. We feel complete, and wholesome, yet in the subconscious state of our thoughts we lose sight of our desires. The struggle to become someone we are destined to be glooms upon us, and we feel we can no longer accomplish realistic immortality. By that I mean that we will never be fully satisfied till all of our hopes, dreams, and goals have become a reality. Only then can we ever feel the sense of belonging, and accomplished state which we are all destined for.

Lately, I have begun to think about my life quite a bit. It's the best I have been in a long time. A year ago I lost everything I had. From my job to my girlfriend, my failure in school, my families health concerns, and my suicidal attempts. What the hell was I thinking? Suicide? Am I retarded? How could I let such a selfish act run my life, and put me in a position that would not only hurt me but my family and friends as well. People forget that suicide doesn't solve anything. At one point I thought it did. I thought it would ease my pain, cleanse my torture, and wipe away all my rough patches, and guess what? I was SUPER wrong. I was able to realize that suicide is the easy way out. It's the cowards decision.

Winners aren't quitters. We persevere. We understand that a greater power exist, and through the strength in our hearts we will move on, and things will get better. I used to fear my future. Now I embrace it. I want to raise a family, have a life, build my career, and find that perfect someone to share it with me. I will. A long time ago my great-grandmother before passing told me that, "the key to life is unlocking the door, and throwing away the key so that it will never close behind you". That is what makes legends. That is what pushes me to go further. That is what separates men from boys, and cowards from the brave. You know we are destined for greatness, and the one day that I die I want to look back on my life, and say that I was able to do exactly what I wanted to do without any restraints. So far I am on the right path, and it will only get better from here. Thanks for reading my first true blog. Many more will follow. Let me know if you like it.